Android Operating System – Version History of the biggest Mobile OS

Android is a mobile device operating system dependent on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open-source software, used principally for touchscreen cell phones and tablets. Android started in 2003 as a venture of the American innovation organization Android Inc., to build up an operating system for digital cameras. In October 2003, Andy … Read more

AFFILIATE MARKETING – Small Investment and Big Profit

What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate Marketing refers to a process in which an individual or company markets a product or service on behalf of another entity. It is a very popular way of Digital Marketing which gives you more profit with a small investment. When sales are made, the individual/company is offered a commission for their marketing … Read more

Email Marketing Strategy 2021

Yes, it is the time of the year when everyone looks forward to the experts tofigure out the latest trends of the year. The last year, 2020 has given us many unexpected trends in terms of how wemarket our products and services. It isn’t different for email marketing as well. When the year started, there … Read more

Content Marketing Strategy for Business

What is the purpose of content marketing in your opinion? To me, it is to convince and convert your customer. The ever-elusive content marketing strategy is a proven and meaningful method of boosting the results. The valuable and relevant content not only improves your online reputation but advocate your brand as well. It also helps … Read more

SEO Backlinks: 8 insane ways to create high quality Backlinks

What are Backlinks? Backlinks are links that point from a webpage on one site to a page on another.They are the connections from outsider sources that highlight your site, in contrast with inside connections that exist between two pages inside your site. Backlinks or I would say high quality backlinks are quite possibly the main … Read more

5 Disruptive Social Media Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Revenue

Social media marketing isn’t about getting clicks, likes, shares, and followers anymore. It has morphed into the complete sales ecosystem. Implement these new-age social media marketing strategies to boost your sales and revenue before your competitors catch up. When was the last time you discussed or updated your social media marketing strategy?  The world has … Read more

Guest Posting Tips to maximize revenue

What is Guest Posting? Guest Posting is the way of contributing content to someone else or brand’s site or blog. This strategy is otherwise called Guest Posting or Guest Blogging. It is a content marketing way where someone writes content for third party blog, either to promote products, services or to earn money. Guest posting to a third … Read more

How to become a successful Digital Marketer?

In today’s world, our lives have shifted entirely online. From browsing through social media, to shopping, and even working, the need for Digital Marketing is stronger than ever. Whether you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur or even a freelancer, Digital Marketing is bound to play a dominant role in the forefront of your business. If … Read more

Tips for Voice Search Optimization: Get ahead of your competitors

By looking at title, you must have guessed that this article is about Voice Search and tips for Voice Search optimization. What do you mean by Voice Search? Voice Search allows user to search anything over internet using Voice Command. It is one of the fastest growing trends within SEO and digital marketing right now. 40% of adults are … Read more
