Email Marketing Strategy 2021

Yes, it is the time of the year when everyone looks forward to the experts to
figure out the latest trends of the year.

The last year, 2020 has given us many unexpected trends in terms of how we
market our products and services. It isn’t different for email marketing as well.

When the year started, there were rumors that email marketing is probably taking
its last breath. But, things transformed as the year proceeded. The pandemic
forced the brick and mortar stores to shift to digital channels making the
marketing trend hot again.

The increased email marketing engagement rate indicates high-end competition.
To match the game and ace your internet marketing strategy, you need to stay at
the top of trends.

It is all about motivating your readers and challenging them with new ideas.

Our Email Marketing Strategies 2021 edition is ready for you!

Incorporate AI into your email marketing strategy

Both newbies and experienced marketers are still skeptical about the use of AI in email marketing. It has been a confusing concept since always.

The marketers may use the most advanced and cutting-edge technology but they cannot collect and process as much data as AI can derive with minimal effort. Whether it is list segmentation, content analysis, or outreach, AI works far better than any human being.

Not only this, the scope and abilities of AI are ever-increasing.

Integrating artificial intelligence into creating and distributing newsletters is the latest trend. The idea is still in its infancy but it can help small companies to focus on optimization and making predictions.

Ubiquitous Marketing Automation

There was a time when marketing automation was limited to big-budget companies only. Hubspot or Marketo was not easily available to every brand.

In the last few years, marketing automation has become more widespread and easily accessible to companies with a comparatively small budget. Now even the smallest business can afford one or two automation features, even if they can’t purchase a suite.

Machine learning will not only help you derive the right content but offer you a channel to put the right sequence of events which ultimately leads to an automated path to conversion.     

Automated emails receive 119% higher click rates than broadcast emails.

Hyper-personalized emails

Whether you believe it or not but emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. Also, the transaction rates of these emails are 6 times higher. However, just adding the name of the recipient is not sufficient to sway your customers.

You need to create newsletters that contain information or promotions that match their interest otherwise it may affect 20% of your users.

The right way to target your customers is to use email segmentation and dynamic content. Group our email subscribers into small segments based on their interests, geographical location, purchase history, behavior, and a lot more. Create specific content for these different segments instead of sending the same email to everyone.

Hyper personalization benefits you in the three following ways:

  • Reduced efforts: A seamless experience makes the customer journey simple and coordinated.
  • Offering relevant information: Leveraging AI, machine learning and hyper-personalization, the latest techniques offer the most relevant recommendations based on their purchase history and personal preferences.
  • Saves time: The tailored targets and messages save a lot of time for marketers.

You will be surprised to take a look at statistically-proven benefits of hyper-personalization:

  • Birthday emails are creating 342% more revenue than any regular promotional email.
  • The ROI of personal messages is around 122%.
  • Personalized subject lines record a 50% more opening rate than standard subject lines.

User-engaging emails

The fewer clicks it takes to complete the action, the higher the conversion rate. It is as simple as that. An interactive email will inspire your customers to go through the landing pages and directly shop using your email. It reduces the hassle of clicking multiple buttons.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is of great use when it comes to interactive emails. You can add interactive content directly into your email using AMP. This way, you can add shopping options right into your email without linking a landing page.      

Your subscribers will be able to view your products and shop right from your email. There will be no clicking required to complete the purchase. Every reduced friction adds chances to the conversion.  

Here a few key elements of interactive emails that are expected to sizzle in 2021:

  • Animated buttons and CTA’s.
  • Rollover effects to showcase product offerings
  • Interactive images
  • The survey, polls, and user-generated interactive content
  • Feature designs to make long-form emails compact. 

Interactive Design

This is the most fluid and dynamic part of email marketing. The extremely creative and subjective designs are influenced by several external factors.

The hottest email design trends for the year 2021 include the following areas:

  • Minimalism: An uncluttered, well-structured email designed with the sole purpose of going to reign in the upcoming year.
  • Dark Mode:  Ever since Apple launched the dark mode, it has become a norm to launch the dark theme of everything. Whether it is Facebook or Twitter, everyone has launched their dark versions. It is the new normal.
  • Bright and bold colors: It is a simple act to make you noticed. Don’t overload your email with too much imagery, but definitely, make an effort to attract subscriber’s attention.      

Advanced Sending capabilities

Emails might be the most efficient way of staying in touch with your customers but what is the use of a campaign if your email is not read? Inbox is the most competitive place and it is increasingly difficult to gain user’s attention.

That’s why; the marketers keep trying to figure out the right moment to send the newsletter. It is the most important part of the sending email campaign. Cracking the code isn’t easy as not one-time-fits-all. Adopting AI and machine learning can be a great help in this case.

Wrapping Up:

Email marketing has once again secured its position as a hot trend successfully. Here’s a recap of what you need to keep in mind.

  • Emails are more accessible to small businesses now.
  • Brands are expected to show more mindfulness of the recipient’s inbox.
  • Interactive email design is the key.
  • More authentic messages and interactive designs are appreciated.

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