Data Validation and Annotation in .NET MVC

Data Validation in .NET MVC

Data Validation is one of the most important parts of any application. .NET MVC provides special classes to apply validation and data annotation. In this article, we will learn how to apply Data Validation and Annotation in .NET MVC. Previous Chapter: .NET MVC with SQL Server Database What Are Data Annotations? Data annotations are a … Read more

Static Vs Readonly Keyword in C#

static vs keyword

In C#, both the static and readonly keywords are used to define fields, but they serve different purposes and are used in distinct scenarios. Understanding when and how to use these keywords is essential for writing efficient and maintainable code. Let’s dive into the differences and specific use cases for each. Please read this blog: … Read more

Sealed Class in C# – Easy Explanation

Sealed Class in C#

A sealed class in C# is a class that cannot be inherited by any other class. We can not use a sealed class as a base class. This can be particularly useful when you want to enforce certain behaviours and prevent further modifications through inheritance. Please read this blog: static vs readonly keyword in C# … Read more

How to Add Serial Numbers to a List of Records in MVC

MVC View Page Logic

Adding serial numbers to a list of records in an MVC application is a common requirement. It helps users to easily reference and identify records. In this article, we will walk you through how to achieve this in an ASP.NET MVC application. Before we proceed further If you want to go through with the MVC … Read more

.NET MVC with SQL Server Database

.NET MVC Tutorial

In this article, we will learn .NET MVC with SQL Server database and entity framework. Previous Chapter: Routing in MVC The .NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework is a popular framework for building web applications. It promotes a clean separation of concerns by dividing the application into three main components: When working with an SQL Server database … Read more

.NET Core Minimal API with Example

Minimal API Concept in .NET Core

In this article, we will learn about the minimal API concept in .NET Core. What is a Minimal API? A Minimal API is a simplified approach to building APIs in .NET, introduced in .NET 6. It streamlines the process of creating HTTP services by reducing boilerplate code and configuration, making it easier to set up … Read more

Let’s dive into Kubernetes: Uses, Benefits and Limitations

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source platform to automate deployment, scaling, and operating applications in containers. Think of containers as lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient units that package software and all its dependencies so it can run consistently across various environments. Kubernetes helps manage these containers, ensuring that they run smoothly and efficiently. Uses … Read more

Action and Func Delegates in C#

In C# programming language, there are various delegates to use. C# provides 2 built-in delegates: Action and Func. This article will cover Action and Func delegates in C#. Before we proceed further, we will first look into delegate. What is a Delegate? A delegate is an object that holds a reference to a method to … Read more

Binary Search: An Efficient Algorithm

Binary Search Algorithm

Binary search is a powerful algorithm, we use this algorithm to find the position of a target value within a sorted array. It works by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half, effectively narrowing down the search area until the target is found. Understanding the Problem Binary search is particularly useful when dealing with large, … Read more

Introduction to Routing in .NET MVC

.NET MVC Tutorial

Routing is the backbone of the .NET MVC web application, determining how URLs map to controller actions. In this article, we will explore the different routing approaches available, from default routing to more advanced attribute-based routing, equipping you with the knowledge to create intuitive and flexible URL structures. Previous Chapter: Temp Data, View Bag, and … Read more
