How to integrate Google recaptcha with ASP.Net MVC Application?

In this blog, Let’s see how can we integrate Google reCapctah with ASP.Net MVC. What is Google ReCaptcha? Google reCaptcha help public websites to prevent spam access on an input form like login, signup.It is basically a way to identify that no robot is submitting the input form. Follow below steps to integrate a Google … Read more

ASP.Net MVC Ajax.BeginForm with an example – MVC Blogs

Hi, recently I was working on a project in MVC. I had to post a form using Ajax to avoid page postback.I have demonstrated this by an example. Let’s see the code to implement Ajax.BeginForm in an MVC application. Ajax.BeginForm in MVC Nowadays users don’t want to see a page refresh and web technologies are … Read more

LINQ with an MVC Project

This blog contains basic information about LINQ. Also, we will see how can we use LINQ in an MVC project. What is LINQ? LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query. LINQ can be used to query from a variety of data sources for eg  SQL Server, Array, and XML. LINQ defines keywords that you can use … Read more

Tag Helpers in ASP.Net Core MVC

In this article, we will learn about Tag Helpers in .NET Core MVC. Tag Helpers is new feature introduced in ASP.Net Core MVC. Tag Helpers do the same thing as HTML Helpers does in previous versions of MVC but with a variety of changes. What are Tag Helpers? Tag Helpers helps server side code to … Read more

ActionName and NonAction Attribute in ASP.Net MVC

ActionName and NonAction attribute in MVC is the attribute applied to an action method. These attribute helps route engine to execute correct Action method and the respective View. ActionName Attribute ActionName attribute actually provide a alias to the action method, i.e. You can give a different name to your Action method than what is given … Read more

Important ASP.Net MVC interview questions and answers

In this blog, I have collected ASP.Net MVC interview questions and answers. For an ASP.Net developer, MVC is very important for interviews in any MNCs. Whether you are a fresher or have .Net MVC development experience, the .Net MVC interview questions given below will prove to be very beneficial for you. Top ASP.Net MVC Interview … Read more

Caching in ASP.Net MVC

In this blog, we will see how to implement caching in MVC?Before writing MVC code for caching, you should be very much clear about “What is Caching?” What is Caching? Cache means to store it in a temp memory for future use. Caching is often used to store information that’s frequently served to users in … Read more

How to use multiple layout pages in MVC application?

In this blog, we will see how to use multiple Layout pages in an MVC application.Layout pages are used to share common designs across all view pages. For eg, header and footer are generally common across the application. In this case, the Layout page is useful. What is a Layout page in MVC? A layout … Read more

Exception Handling in MVC

In this blog, we will see Exception handling in MVC. There are more than one ways to handle an exception in ASP.Net MVC. Let’s see in details below – How to Handle Exception in ASP.Net MVC? As already mentioned above that, we can handle an exception in ASP.Net MVC in multiple ways. We will see … Read more
