If you are an ASP.Net developer or any other programming technologies, then you must have came across the word Design Patter.
In this blog, we will see What are design patterns and their types
What are Design Patterns?
Design patterns provide efficient and re-usable solutions in software development.
There are several design patterns available, each patterns have their own significant based on project structure and/or business need.
There are mainly 3 types of design pattern.
Creational, Structural and Behavioral
These 3 patterns are divide into following sub category.
Creational Design Pattern
- Abstract Factory
- Factory Method
- Builder
- Prototype
- Singleton
Behavioral Design Patterns
- Chain of Responsibility
- Command
- Interpreter
- Iterator
- Mediator
- Memento
- Observer
- State
- Strategy
- Template Method
- Visitor
Structural Design Patterns
- Adapter
- Bridge
- Composite
- Decorator
- Façade
- Flyweight
- Proxy
Now the question may rise here that how to select a design pattern for a project or which design pattern is the best suited for a project?
In my blogs, I will update about Factory, Facade and Singleton type of design pattern.
Singleton Design Pattern explains in next blog.
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You may read these articles - Factory Design Pattern SOLID Principles in C#
Nice content.
Please provide code sample for different design patterns. That will be nice.
Please visit my other blogs on Singleton and Facade Design Pattern.
Singleton Design Pattern
Facade Design Pattern