Linq in C# Programming

Before using LINQ in C#, please read my earlier blog to get some basic idea about what is LINQ?

LINQ can be used in C# in different ways :

One way is to use with Lambda Expression
Another way is to use Anonymous function

Below code will return string of length less than 5.

string[] countryArr = { “India”“USA”“UK”“China”“Japan”“Germany”“Australia” };
            var data = countryArr.Where(a => a.Length < 5).Select(a => a);
            foreach (string sdata in data)


O/P : – USA, UK

Above code can be written using Anonymous function

Write below function

Func<stringbool> wh = delegate (string s)
        { return s.Length < 5; };
        Func<stringstring> sel = delegate (string s)
        { return s; };

Below function to implement the LINQ

private void PrintData()
            string[] countryArr = { “India”“USA”“UK”“China”“Japan”“Germany”“Australia” };
            var data = countryArr.Where(wh).Select(sel);
            foreach (string sdata in data)

Below Code to select only integer from given array

object[] arData = { “test”, 1, 10, “my name”, 12, “laptop”“Mouse”, 20, 22, 25, 50, “LINQ Program” };
            var aa = arData.OfType<int>();
            foreach (int s in aa)

Below code to select integer data less than 25 and order by clause from array.

object[] arData = { “test”, 1, 10, “my name”, 12, “laptop”“Mouse”, 20, 22, 25, 50, “LINQ Program” };
            var aa = arData.OfType<int>()
                .OrderBy(a => a)
                .Where(a => a < 25)
                .Select(a => a);
            foreach (int s in aa)
Join in LINQ

There are 2 arrays, below code join 2 arrays to select matching data from 2nd array.

object[] countryMaster = {“INDIA”,“USA”“UK”,“AUSTRALIA”,“JAPAN”};
object[] country = { “INDIA”,“USA”,“JAPAN”};
            var joinData = countryMaster.OfType<string>()
                p => p, t => t,
                (p, t) => p);
            foreach (var s in joinData)

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