REST API in SharePoint 2010 for CRUD operation with ListData.svc

REST API in SharePoint 2010 for CRUD Operation  SharePoint 2010 offers numerous ways to get data from a list. You may use Client Object Model, Linq to SharePoint and REST API by using ListData.svc. In this blog, I will explain how to perform CRUD operation on a SharePoint list using ListData.svcGenerally, SharePoint REST service URL … Read more

How to consume RESTful APi from server side code – C#

I was working on a project where I got a Web API URL with parameters, I was asked to consume this API and get the response from there. What is RESTful Service? Representation State Transfer. REST says each resource should be accessed by URI. In REST client sends a request and server responds for that … Read more

All about Web Service, SOAP and RESTful Service


In the previous blog, we have seen “What is SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)?“In this blog, we will see in detail about Web Services, SOAP-based web services, and RESTful web services. You may also see one of my blogs WCF vs Web Services. What is a Web Service? Web service is a way to communicate between 2 … Read more
