Oops interview questions and answers

In this blog, I have collected Interview questions and answers of OOPS (Object Oriented Programming System).

Q. What are OOPS principles?

Object-oriented is an approach to programming in C#, Java etc.
OOPS Principals –

1. Abstraction
2. Encapsulation
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism

Q. Is inheritance possible if a private constructor is declared in parent class?

Answer – No.

Q. What is Early Binding and Late Binding?

Early Binding  = Method Overloading
Late Binding = Method Overriding

Read about Early Binding and Late Binding in the OOPS Concept.

Q. How to call an Abstract Class function from a child class?

Ans – base.functionname();

class Test
        static void Main(string[] args)
            B b = new B();
    abstract class A
        public void Greetings()
            Console.Write(“Hello User “);
    class B : A
        public void Greetings()
            Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to the Interview”);

Q. Abstract vs Sealed Class

Abstract ClassSealed Class
An abstract class cannot be instantiated. A sealed class cannot be used as a base class. For this reason, it cannot also be an abstract class. 
The purpose of an abstract class is to provide a common definition of a base class that multiple derived classes can share.Sealed classes prevent derivation. Because they can never be used as a base class.
Abstract methods have no implementation, so the method definition is followed by a semicolon instead of a normal method block. Derived classes of the abstract class must implement all abstract methods.
When an abstract class inherits a virtual method from a base class, the abstract class can override the virtual method with an abstract method.

Q. What is Abstract Class?

An abstract
class is a class which contains Abstract or non-abstract methods.

See below sample code –

In the abstract class TestAbstract you may include an abstract method or non abstract method.

Abstract methods are those methods which don’t contain a body i.e. abstract method has just a declaration.

If you have an abstract method(s) in an abstract class and if that abstract class is a base class then the child class must implement all the abstract methods available in the Abstract class.

In the below case, if you do not implement the Test1() method then the compiler will throw an error.

class Program:TestAbstract
        static void Main(string[] args)
        public override void Test1()
            throw new NotImplementedException();
    abstract class TestAbstract
        public virtual void Test()
        public abstract void Test1();

Q. Use of virtual keywords.

Answer – virtual keyword is used to implement method overriding concept.

If you have declared a method with the keyword virtual, then this method must override the method in the child class. See the below code.

public class Program: Class1
static void Main(string[] args)

public override void Method()//Access modifier is changed from protected to public
public class Class1
protected virtual void Method() //Here the virtual method is protected

Q. Constructor vs Destructor

A method with the same name as the class name is called a constructor.

Constructor by default public.

A constructor will not return anything.

The constructor name is the same as the class name.

Constructor with no arguments and nobody is called the default constructor.

We can create private constructors.

A constructor is a special method of a class which is automatically called as soon as the object of a class is created.

3 types of constructors Default Constructor, Parametrized Constructor, Copy Constructor

Default constructor:

Public class Employee()


Public Employee()



Parameterized Constructor:

Public Employee(int id, string name, decimal sal)
//Assign property


Copy Constructor:

Employee emp = new Employee();

Emploee emp1 = new Employee(1,”Emp1″,10000)

emp1 = emp;
emp1.Name = “KK”;
emp1.Sal = 20000;
emp1.ID = “Emp2”;
emp = new Employee(emp1); //Copy Constructor

It is called automatically when an object is no longer in use. This activity is automatically controlled by Garbage Collector.

Q. Abstract class vs Interface

An interface has no implementation. It only contains a signature.Abstract Class cannot be instantiated. It allows other class to inherit from.
A class cannot have multiple base class, i.e. a class cannot inherit multiple class. But a class can inherit multiple interfaces.  i.e. Multiple inheritance supported by the interface.
An interface cannot have the implementation for any of its members.An abstract can or cannot have the implementation of its members.
Interface members cannot have access modifiers.Abstract class members can have an access modifier.
An interface cannot have any fields.An abstract class can have fields.

Q. Sealed and Virtual Class

Sealed class prevent itself from being inherited by other classes.

sealed class ProgramNew
    class ExtendProgram : ProgramNew

If you compile the above code, it will throw an error. 

Error: cannot derive from a sealed type

Q. What is a Partial Class?

Partial class allows developers to split the class into 2 or more source files.
Below is the example.

public partial class Employee
       public void SalaryProcess()
           //Do coding for salary calculation like basic+hra+medical
   public partial class Employee
       public void TaxCalculation()
           //Do coding for Tax calculation

Q. Static Constructor

Static constructor will be invoked only once for any number of instance of a class. A static constructor must be parameterless.

 class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// Static Constructor
        /// </summary>
        static Program()
            Console.WriteLine(“Static Constructor”);
        /// <summary>
        /// Default Constructor
        /// </summary>
            Console.WriteLine(“Default Constructor”);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameterize Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=”msg”></param>
        Program(string msg)
            Console.WriteLine(“Hello ! “ + msg);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program obj = new Program();
            Program obj1 = new Program();
            Program obj2 = new Program(“C#”);

O/P- Static Constructor
Default Constructor
Default Constructor
Hello ! C#

Note: Default constructor executed twice, but static constructor invoked only once even non-parametrized constructor called 2 times.

Note: We can not create an object of the class which has a private constructor.

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